Frequently Asked Questions
We recommend that you use our videos alongside the anki decks and worksheets in the header of each module to solidify and commit to memory those topics discussed in the videos. Use of a question bank that provides questions specifically related to osteopathic medicine is highly suggested as well. In addition we strongly suggest that you re-watch these videos in the few weeks before your Comlex level one or Comlex level two exam. Learn more here >>>
All content review is ongoing as a means to stay up to date with current practices. New video content is also added periodically to provide the best comprehensive Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) resource possible. You can check out and follow our Instagram page and our newsletter for routine updates on TheOMMedicine content changes as well as when new content has been added.
Enrolling in a membership allows you to access all resources on our website. There are no restricted areas for members. We currently have just under 50 videos covering the most commonly tested or “high yield” topics for the comlex level 1 and comlex level 2 exams. Our videos cover all topics in osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) including cranial, sacral, pelvis, fibular/radial head and many more. See a full list of videos and topics on our modules page. We also have a pre-made anki deck based on each video that is available for download in each module page. Brief worksheets are also included with the membership and are available for download as a way to self assess your understanding of the major concepts presented in the videos.
There is currently no limit on the number of times you can watch a video.
We currently provide a brief worksheet with questions related to their corresponding video. However, we do not currently have a question bank.
No. Any reproduction, recording, or other unauthorized use of the resource in TheOMMedicine.com is considered piracy and punishable by law.
Yes! We offer group or school discounts on a case by case basis but generally speaking the more people that are included in the group order will result in a cheaper price. Please use the contact page and send us an email about your group discount inquiry.
Yes! Check us out on instagram @ommedicine for alerts when new videos have been uploaded and for regular OMM/Comlex related questions.
See a detailed response here. Learn more here >>>
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